Annulment vs Divorce: The Legal Difference
Annulment vs Divorce: The Legal Difference
What is the Difference between Annulment and Divorce?
Spouses possess two ways they can legally end their marriage. These include annulment or divorce.
An annulment is a legal procedure essentially canceling marriage between a person and their spouse. This legal process completely erases the event, legally declaring that the marriage never existed and was never valid.
A divorce by definition is a legal dissolution of a marriage. This process ends a valid marriage between a person and their spouse. Divorce returns each party to single status, while additionally enabling them to remarry legally.
Although every state imparts its laws concerning marriage annulment and divorce, specific requirements apply on a national level.
Either husband or wife can initiate an annulment in the marriage. The party that begins the annulment proceedings wields the burden of proof. They must demonstrate that they possess grounds for annulment. For example, if the husband and his divorce lawyer for men can prove that they were not of sound mind through the time of the marriage, the court will consider the marriage null and void.
Depending on where you reside in the United States, divorce may pose more great difficulty. Similar to annulments, every jurisdiction imparts its laws and regulations concerning divorce.
In most divorce cases, spouses will try to divide their marital assets and settle their debts. If the marriage produced children, divorce proceedings often determine child custody, visitation, as well as spousal and child support issues.
Distinguishing the difference between annulment and divorce can impart significant ramifications concerning future marriages, as well as the legal standing or both parties involved.
Divorce Lawyer for Men from Schweitzer-Ramras & Diaz, P.A.
When you need legal assistance for a family law issue like divorce, annulment, or custody, you need to find an attorney that will guide you through the entire process.
Family law encompasses a broad scope of legal practices that include marriage dissolution, custody, restraining orders, domestic situations, adoption, guardianship, paternity, and minor emancipation concerns.
As you search for a divorce or annulment attorney, it is crucial to determine the practice that best suits your needs. When you find an attorney who specializes in a case like yours, you will discover a level of expertise that a general attorney cannot match.
Schweitzer-Ramras & Diaz, P.A. understands the male perspective in divorce and annulment proceedings. Our divorce lawyer for men represents men’s rights in family law situations. Representation for men’s annulment, divorce, and custody cases involves handling unique challenges that male clients face.
While a court is not supposed to factor gender as they consider the division of assets and child custody, any man experiencing a divorce case understands that prejudice can still exist in family court. If you go through divorce proceedings, you need a divorce lawyer for men who can work around these notions, while ensuring any amount you pay is fair.
Schweitzer-Ramras & Diaz, P.A. tirelessly strives to protect our clients’ rights during annulment and divorce cases. This might involve ensuring that income on the opposing side is properly and accurately disclosed, or putting pressure on your spouse’s legal team to cooperate in the divorce process.
When you get divorced, trust your future to an experienced Florida divorce lawyer for men. Contact our legal team today and find out how our attorneys can help you.