Probate Administration

When a loved one passes away, the probate administration enables effective management and distribution of the deceased individual’s assets. This legal process identifies and gathers assets of the deceased individual and notifies their creditors. Probate settles their debts before distributing their remaining assets to heirs and beneficiaries.
Most individuals proceed through probate with a testamentary will. When an individual passes away with a valid will, the state of Florida considers the estate testate. A personal representative or executor attends to the resolution of the estate.
Types of Probate Administration
In the state of Florida, there are two primary types of estate administration. These include Formal Administration, as well as Summary Administration.
Where the value of a decedent’s assets total less than $75,000 or where an individual has been deceased for over two years, summary administration is typically appropriate. Summary administration offers decreased costs and swifter resolution.
In scenarios where the estate does not meet these aforementioned criteria, the state will consider the estate a Formal Administration. In formal administration, the courts appoint a personal representative responsible for administering the estate under the guidance of a probate administration attorney.
Formal administration often concludes after 4 to 6 months without complications during the administration. Unfortunately, litigation may arise and result in the estate taking years to finally close.
What Does a Probate Attorney Do? | Effective Probate Administration Services
There are several things that a probate attorney can do to minimize the tribulations related to the probate process. Unfortunately, when a loved one dies, this is something that people must inevitably face.
Probate administration can be complicated when the situation involves a lack of records or information left behind by the decedent. Competing claims on the part of creditors may additionally further convolute the process as well.
A probate attorney can prepare all the necessary documentation to open and close an estate. A legal specialist will also manage the process while offering experience and guidance to a client throughout the probate and estate resolution.
Probate Administration Attorney | Law Office of Madelin Diaz, P.A.
Probate law is extraordinarily complex, necessitating the skill and experience of a skilled attorney well-versed in all relevant Florida probate statutes and rules in addition to the local court rules.
Our firm understands the financial and legal issues involved in such an emotionally charged situation. We work to save clients time and money while settling the estate through the probate administration process.
If you recently lost a loved one and feel ready to begin the probate process, our team from the Law Office of Madelin Diaz, P.A. wants to help you. This complicated and overwhelming situation is not one to approach alone. Reach out to our firm today to schedule a consultation!
Contact Law Office of Madelin Diaz, P.A., in Miami Lakes, FL,
to discuss your legal matters in confidence. Call us now, at
(305) 670-2700.